Advertising and Public Relations
In the past this job was mostly done by Journalists. Worst still it was also done by people who had the mastery of languages and could clearly orate. However, specialization and division of labour has ensured that specific task in institutions and organisations are handled by people with specific and not general training. Advertising and Public Relations constitutes a special angle of service to humanity focusing on marketing, selling of the image of an institution, conception and preparation of adverts, negotiating deals for companies and institutions etc.
Studies and Duration
The programme runs for two years and opened to holders of the GCE Advanced Level certificate in at least two subjects excluding Religious Knowledge. It is a theoretical and practical package including a mandatory internship in a recognized institution. As part of the requirements for graduation each student defends a project as well and takes the national exams as requirements for the award of a Higher National Diploma (HND) in Advertising and Public Relations by the Ministry of Higher Education under the academic supervision of the Yaoundé Advanced School of Mass Communication (ASMAC).
Employment Opportunities
Graduates are mostly employed in institutions and organisations as Communication officers. They are in charge of advertising and marketing in companies, spokesperson and communicators for institutions. They can also work with the commercial departments of media organs and channels. They can also work with communication and advertising agencies.
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