Pharmacy Technology
The medical chain of activity involves consultation, laboratory analysis, and interpretation of results and acquisition of drugs. Pharmaceutical technology intervenes at the level of drugs. The discipline basically involves the study of drug preparation, preservation including the compounding and dispersal of medical drugs. The degree programme in pharmacy seeks to improve upon knowledge gained at the lower level.
Structure of studies and duration
It is a purely health science discipline which focuses on Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Mathematics, Business management etc. The programme is opened to holders of the Higher National Diploma (HND) in Pharmacy or its equivalent from a recognized institution. It runs for two semesters of an academic year and involves theory with practical sessions at the JIMIT Laboratory. Moreover, students also undertake a supervised internship sanctioned by the defense of an end of course project as requirements for the award of a Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy supervised and delivered by the government mentoring institution, the University of Bamenda and recognized by the Ministries of Higher Education and Public Health.
Employment Opportunities
Graduates can work in a pharmacy, a hospital pharmacy, a drug production centre, operate as a chemist. They can also work as a pharmaco-epidemiologist in the public health sector.
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