Tax Management
With growing specialization and division of labour, every sector of human life is now endowed with experts to specially focus on it and maximize output. In the past tax management was reserved to state personnel but with the growing importance of taxation as the principal source of governmental revenue, private individuals are also being trained to work in the growing public administration and also in the private sector as they too are heavily affected by taxes.
Studies and Duration
Studies basically focus on taxation and its principles, mathematics, accounting, public administration and public finance, commerce and business etc. It is opened to holders of the GCE Advanced Level in at least two subjects excluding Religious Knowledge or its equivalent and runs for two years. Studies are both theoretical and practical with a mandatory supervised internship. Before graduation, each student prepares and defends publicly a project and writes the national exam as requirements for the award of a Higher National Diploma (HND) in Tax Management by the Ministry of Higher Education.
Employment Opportunities
Graduates can serve in government agencies and ministries like Finance and Economy. Opportunities also exist in the private sector especially with companies, banks, insurance companies etc as they are all involved in taxation as tax experts, economists, financial analysts etc.
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